Ask An Expert

  • Should I add my GPA to my resume? Stephen P.

    Proceed with caution. Unless you have a 4.0 you should be careful to add your GPA. When it comes down between a few candidates, if all that seperates them is GPA the highest one will win the job.

  • Should I have a LinkedIn Account? John S.

    The short answer is YES. LinkedIn is a very helpful resource that connects you with potential employers. Remember, keep your profile professional no matter what.

  • When do I follow up after an interview? Wyatt

    The best way to get this question answered is to ask the interviewer during your interview. Always ask when you should follow up and the best way to reach out to your interviewer. Once armed with this information, follow the recommended steps to the letter.

  • Can I take notes during an interview? Maria

    Taking notes during an interview may not have crossed your mind, but it should. The interviewer is taking notes, shouldn't you? During important meetings, you probably take notes to help you remember important details. The same should be true during an interview. Before you begin, show you value confidentiality by asking the interviewer if it's OK to take notes. You can also bring a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer.

  • How do I respond to an answer about salary expectations? Corbin

    You will come across this question while completing the online application, during the phone interview and when you meet for an in-person interview, too. The recommended strategy is to say that your salary is negotiable. However, a better way to respond, when speaking with a recruiter, is to ask what the company has budgeted for the position. Once you have that number, you can respond with an appropriate range.

  • What is a 401(k) plan and how does it work? Tyler

    A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan that offers significant tax benefits while helping you plan for the future. With a 401(k), an employee sets a percentage of their income to be automatically taken out of each paycheck and invested in their account. Many employers offer to match a portion of what you save. The 401(k) perk that gets all the headlines is the employer match. If you work somewhere that offers to toss extra money into your account based on how much you contribute — for example, a dollar-for-dollar or 50-cents-on-the-dollar match up to, say, 6% of your contribution amount — stop reading now and fill out the sign-up paperwork. If you do nothing else, at least contribute enough to your account to nab that free money.